Driveway Replacement – Why You Should Repair Your Driveway Before It’s Too Late

Driveway Replacement Colorado Springs that is damaged beyond repair can be a safety hazard. Cracks aren’t just unsightly – gasoline, de-icing salt, and water seep through, damaging your car and the pavement underneath.

Major damage usually indicates that concrete wasn’t poured properly or didn’t set correctly. It also might signal problems with the base that can only be corrected by replacing the entire driveway.

When cracks show in your driveway, it’s important to take action. Not only do they make the surface unattractive, but if left untreated, they can spread and cause the structure to crumble.

Depending on the severity of the cracks and how soon you catch them, you can repair them in various ways. For example, hairline cracks up to 1/8 “wide can usually be filled with a concrete or masonry crack elastomeric filler and poured directly into the cracked area. First, make sure the crack is completely clean and free of dirt, weeds, or debris, then roll on the filler with a caulking gun, covering the entire broken space to “stuff” the crack. After allowing the filler to dry for about 24 hours, you can apply a new coat of asphalt sealant.

Larger cracks can be repaired similarly by using a concrete patch mix. You can also use a structural repair material such as Quikrete’s Quick-Setting Cement mixed with an acrylic fortifier, which can be sculpted into the crack to reform its edge and create a smoother surface.

The best option to prevent future cracking is to keep up with regular maintenance by sealing the driveway once or twice a year. A high-quality sealant, such as Superior’s Advanced Polymer Concrete Crack Sealer, will help protect the surface of your driveway and prevent moisture from seeping into any existing cracks and spreading. It dries to a light gray color that matches many driveway surfaces, making it difficult to detect that there was ever a crack in the first place.

If you notice your driveway has extensive surface cracking, it could be a sign that the underlying bed of crushed stone or compacted soil is deteriorating. If you suspect this is the case, it’s time to consider replacing your driveway with a new, properly graded one.

A pothole is a hole in your driveway that can cause damage to your car as well as those of anyone who drives over it. It’s important to repair them as soon as possible to avoid damaging your vehicles and to keep yourself safe.

Several different things cause potholes. They can result from major settling after the surface is put down, or they may form when water from snow melts and floods the driveway, displacing the aggregate beneath the asphalt. Over time, these replaced areas get compacted by cars driving over them, eventually creating depressions in the asphalt.

If you have a dirt or gravel driveway, addressing drainage issues is the best way to prevent these. Add dirt or gravel to the center of your driveway to raise it and ensure the edges slope downward so water will run away from the driveway instead of toward it. You can also use a homemade tamper to pack the dirt and keep it from settling again.

In asphalt driveways, it’s more likely that they form because of ice and water displacement. These can damage the asphalt and weaken it, making it prone to cracking. When a vehicle drives over this cracked area, it stresses the asphalt, and the pieces begin to break down until the entire driveway is covered in potholes.

Potholes are a big problem for people who have dirt or gravel driveways. Still, fixing them with simple equipment and materials you’ll already have in your shed is easy. First, you’ll need to clean out the pothole. You want to remove any loose dirt and rocks inside the pothole that can get mixed in with the new asphalt. Heating up the pothole before adding new asphalt is also a good idea. This helps soften up any existing asphalt so that it can be repaired more easily and will help the new asphalt better bond with the old asphalt.

If puddles remain on your driveway after heavy rain, it could be due to drainage problems. If water isn’t routed away from your driveway, it will wear down the asphalt or any other materials you use in your landscaping. It can also wash away soil, which isn’t good for your lawn or garden, and damage your home’s foundation.

To prevent these problems, it’s important to address driveway drainage issues early. This can be done by installing a drainage system, regrading your property, or adding plants that absorb excess rainfall.

Driveway drainage solutions can be as simple as a channel drain, French drain, or swale or more extensive like a culvert or permeable pavers. They are all a way of rerouting water away from the driveway and towards your yard or street. When considering your options, you should consider the cost and aesthetic impact.

A channel drain is a metal pipe that runs along the bottom of your driveway. It has a grate to keep out debris but is otherwise hidden from view. These are often used in commercial properties but can also be used in residential homes.

This drainage solution can be quite effective for some homeowners, especially if the problem is isolated to just one area. However, it’s important to note that this option only sometimes solves your drainage issue, and you may still need a more permanent fix.

A more permanent and longer-lasting option is to install a subsurface drainage system. This involves digging under the existing pavement and putting in a pipe to help water drain from your driveway and away from your home. This is more costly than repaving your driveway, but it’s the most effective and long-lasting solution. This is often the best option if serious drainage issues are addressed later. The sooner you address these issues, the less likely you’ll have to replace your driveway.

Concrete is a popular driveway material but can also be susceptible to cracks and other imperfections. Often, these problems do not threaten the structural integrity of the driveway as a whole, but they can be a tripping hazard and a nuisance. Repairing a few isolated areas can make the driveway look new and save you the replacement cost.

The first step is to inspect the damage and determine the necessary repairs. A concrete contractor can help you choose the best action and estimate the cost.

Small cracks less than half an inch in width can usually be repaired using a concrete crack filler. You can apply the product and press it firmly into place using a pointing trowel. It would help if you tried to do this work when the weather is warm and dry.

Larger cracks and holes, spalling (horizontal peeling or chipping of the surface), and discoloration can be addressed by resurfacing or a concrete overlay. Resurfacing is a middle ground between patching and replacing and allows you to add decorative features to the concrete. You can choose from various coloring options and staining, which can disguise the flaws in your concrete driveway.

If the roots of nearby trees erode the driveway, you may need to remove some. However, you should consult an arborist before cutting tree roots, as they can harm the tree’s health.

A final issue you need to address is weeds and other plants growing in the cracks. These can weaken the asphalt paving and cause further cracking. Weeds can also create a trip hazard for people walking over the cracked area. You can kill and pull weeds by hand or use a sprayer on your pressure washer to kill them quickly. Ensure the area is completely clean of weeds, mud, and dirt before patching or resurfacing the cracks in your driveway. A broom or leaf blower is a good tool for sweeping away leaves, acorns, and other debris.